The Ranjit Gita
Getting it na?
That is the
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Give thanks to the Lord in all situation
Eajily you can do it.
It will nut be a prublam.
Deviason furmula
Parelogram, Rumbus and Trepejiyum
Are atleast one Kossan you do/try
Are albays laughing that is the
You c-c-come na sit in the first bench, you don't sh!t in the last
Eberyone pay attenson
Yes, sit-shit
Hauli Square
Enough = e-nuhf
Getting it
Are mensureson nothing ij there only furmula you hab to learn
Nothing ij there. Eajily you can do it...
Show -> Sow, Prove -> Proob
What the answer?
Are atleast write something. Are writing practice you should hab.
you sitting at the back just tell me OK who all are talking there.
Aree nut able to do this eajy kossan also, are what you will do in Ikjam.
Can't sit quiet o' what?
Are sir that is the middle part, Ha... ha... ha...
Are don't taaalk
Yes? Anyone say.
Eajily you can proob it
Are anyone habing doubt that is the can aks OK
ij equal to
BD E-square, BC E-square
Are don't E-start talking
BC ij equal to waat?
Multipul choij carriej big weightage
Do the Ikjampuls for better understanding OK
Are your book that is the very standard ikjampuls are there, that is the very standard kossans are there.
Are nothing ij there only get the cunsept
better understanding you should hab
Are why that deks is there?
That fan not cUming yo' one?
That is much eajy one, in sexan B it is over
That the things you know we will see
Some of the cuncept you should have
Area theerum that is much eajy one, that is no need to go in depth OK
Bhery eajy one it ij OK and here the same kossan will come
No discipline or wutt?
Sir is teaching also not able to aks
Why the door ij- that is, window ij cloj (close)
I will write notes on your diary
Yes, something I want to say about the-
I will take acson on you
That is the nut mensoned anything, directly you can do.
Are what is there that is the
Sow yo' one (show your one)
Done yo' one? done it?
No cunsentreson
That the things you know
Kossan number 4 we will see...
Are bhat you are doing, that is the, not paying attenson, not studying, bhat you will do?
Are sake 90-theta what is there? (sec -> sake)
Unnecessary given exercise that is the
very simple one this one OK
It will cum out here
That fan not coming yo' one, that fan not coming o' what?